During a recent concert, Pop star Katy Perry had an eye glitch while on stage in Las Vegas and the video went viral on social media. On 24 October, the 17-second clip was uploaded on TikTok.
Katy Perry Eye Glitch video
In a viral video, the singer's right eye appears to close, which the singer adjusts by pressing her right temple.The video has been more than 19.2 million views on TikTok.
Reaction of Twitter User
Some fans were worried for Katy Perry after her video went viral. Twitter users had a hilarious reaction.
@katyperry and @justinbieber are collaborating on a new hot song called “Eye of the Pfizer” 🤣💉!! #FF pic.twitter.com/MRuyt8rWdk
— #StopTheShot - Patt Leggs 🇨🇦🇮🇹🇺🇸 (@pattleggs) October 24, 2022
"Pop star @katyperry has drawn rave reviews from critics across the pharmaceutical world after a stunning performance of her hit Eye of the @pfizer last night" pic.twitter.com/ZqUgAw1fvy
— EZFKA (@auseconomicunit) October 25, 2022