junior guzman video real on Twitter

 Junior Guzman video is trending on the internet. “Junior” Guzman Feliz, who was just 15 year old, when Trinitarios gang members fatally stabbed him in 2018. 


On June 20, 2018 Junior Guzman left his apartment to meet with a friend and Trinitarios gang caught up with the boy, dragged him outside and brutally beat him with knives and machetes and stabbed him to death.   


Trinitario gang leader statement on Snapchat that the killing was a case of mistaken identity. A graphic video of Guzman-Feliz's killing began to circulate on the Internet. 

The 5 killers in the Junior Guzman Case have plead guilty and are charged with 1st degree murder and Trinitario gang members were sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. junior guzman video real twitter has gone viral on the internet.


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