Carlisha Hood and son video - Carlisa Hood son video

 Carlisha Hood and her 14-year-old son have been arrested and charged following a fatal shooting at Maxwell Street Express, a hot dog stand in Chicago.


Carlisha Hood and son


The events unfolded as follows:

Hood entered the hot dog stand to buy food while her son waited in the car. A 32-year-old man entered the restaurant and an argument began between him and Hood.


During the argument, Hood texted her son, who then entered the restaurant. The argument turned physical when the man punched Hood multiple times. Hood's son then displayed a firearm and shot the man in the back.


A witness was present during this incident, reportedly laughing and encouraging the altercation. The man attempted to flee the restaurant, but the 14-year-old boy followed him and shot him again, resulting in two gunshot wounds to the man's back. The man was later pronounced dead.

After the man fled, Hood told her son to shoot the witness. Hood tried to take the gun from her son but he resisted and pushed her off. Hood and her son then left the scene in their vehicle.

Both turned themselves into the police on Wednesday and were arrested. Hood has been charged with a felony count of murder and a count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, while her son is facing a felony count of murder. Neither Hood nor her son have any previous criminal record.

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