Yailin y tekashi video

 tekashi 6ix9ine publishes spicy video of yailin with which anuel would bite his elbows, the suggestive video has left more than one Internet user amazed at the complicity that exists between the two rappers.


Yailin y tekashi video

Yailin 'La Más Viral' and Tekashi 6ix9ine, have taken over in recent weeks, all the trends in social networks since rumors began of a possible courtship between the two rappers. The rumor began to be created on account of the expensive gifts that the Dominican began to publish on her Instagram profile.


Days later, all their fans were surprised to see the new music release between the two artists. 'Pa ti' has become a success on digital platforms, achieving more than 20 million views on YouTube in just five days and number one in music trends on the same platform.

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Just to celebrate, the rapper shared on his Instagram account a post with three photos in which he does not appear alone. In the first, the pair of artists appear, Yailin wears a tiny white bikini, while he wears a shirt and jeans, in the same color.

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In the second photo of the carousel, Yailin appears kneeling, staring at the camera; while Tekashi grabs the woman's chin with his hand, resulting in an image of submission. Next, a video of the Dominican appears wearing her tiny bikini. Her bra is undoubtedly the one that steals all the attention, since it only has two flowers, covering part of her breasts.

As expected, Internet users have not stopped commenting on the rapper's post. Some support the personality of the woman and value her courage, while others, on the contrary, crucify her, leaving nothing to the imagination.

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